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The importance of materiality in financing your R&D projects

The 05/27/2021 at 2:30 p.m.

Atelier F Iniciativas - Friday, May 27, 2021

FI Group, leader in public funding of Research and Development for 20 years, invites you to decipher the importance of materiality in the funding of your R&D projects during a webinar on Friday, May 27, 2021 at 2:30 p.m. by intervening with the Network Measure.

The management of the Research Tax Credit is a real business project which requires anticipating the activation of this system by ensuring that it is able to capitalize all the supporting elements required for the CIR declaration.

A critical analysis of its R&D organization, processes and tools is therefore essential to ensure a secure CIR declaration.

As such, FI Group intends to present the current requirements of the tax administration on time traceability, as well as its tool developed internally.

R&D funding: 

Importance of materiality and time tracking

  • FI Group: Xavier BONNAUD - Associate Director
  • FI Group: Mehdi AINOUCHE - Head of the Time Monitoring tool

Financement de la R&D : Importance de la matérialité et du suivi temps

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