CIFL training - Free and paid Internet referencing
The 14/11/2019
CIFL training
Free and paid Internet referencing
November 14, 2019 - PARIS
Identify the issues and challenges of "search marketing". Understand optimization techniques and their implications. Identify the different services and providers.
Training location: CIFL offices - 2nd floor of the Tour des Associations - 28, rue Saint Dominique - 75007 Paris - (Metro / RER C / Parking: Invalides)
This training is offered as part of the cross agreement between the Measurement Network and the CIFL.
Duration: 1 day
Cost of the training: 325 € HT / pers
- The real challenges of SEO
- Traditional SEO
- Buying keywords - commercial or promotional links
- Creation and optimization of campaigns
- Editorial techniques
- Result analyzes and ROI measurement
- The legal framework for referencing and advertising positioning…
The training is based on active monitoring of the sector and on frequent exchanges with users and service providers. It includes many concrete examples and a presentation of the tools mentioned.