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Video file - Presentation of a member: AdvEOTec

AdvEOTec Essais et Mesures Optoelectroniques

Laboratoire de mesures et d'essais de composants et de systèmes optoélectroniques. Etude et réalisation de systèmes d'essais et de mesures.

Activité / Expertise

Optical measurements, Development of measurement solutions, Colorimetric measurements, Tests


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More than 300 optical, electrical, thermal measurement and monitoring systems, etc. Test means under vacuum, climatic, temperature variation, humidity, mechanics, hermeticity ...

AdvEOTec mobilizes the know-how of experts, its design office, its assembly workshop to design, build and validate your test and measurement systems.

Complementary activities: Study of the reliability of optical and electronic components and systems - Optoelectronics and photonics - Design and production integrating optoelectronics for test and measurement systems.

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