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Default - September 25, 2023
VEGA is developing a secure cloud and radar level sensor solution for flood forecasting.
As the number one natural risk in France, flooding affects all regions. To anticipate flood risks, intermunicipalities as well as private sector players such as manufacturers and campsites seek to equip themselves with forecasting systems that complement state services. This is where VEGA provides…
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Default - September 21, 2023
Pollutec exhibition: students from IUT du Creusot coached by professionals from Réseau Mesure
Pollutec Salon: students from the IUT du Creusot coached by professionals from the Measurement Network This Wednesday, September 20, Estelle Duflot, director of the Measurement Network, spoke to 3rd year students from the BUT Physical Measurements at the IUT du Creusot. The morning was devoted to preparing for the Pollutec trade show…
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Default - September 19, 2023
THE CRC of Bretagne Nord acquires 10 buoys instrumented with nke Instrumentation probes.
The Regional Shellfish Farming Committee of Northern Brittany (CRCBN) wishes to better understand the environmental factors having an impact on the growth and mortality of farmed molluscs, in particular oysters and mussels. For this, the CRCBN chose nke Instrumentation for the acquisition and installation of 10 instrumented buoys. These buoys, equipped with multi-parameter probes…
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Default - September 7, 2023
Technical day: the challenges of 3D scanning, October 11, 2023 in RODEZ.
📅 Wednesday October 11, 202 in Rodez from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Technical day organized by Creaform in collaboration with the CMQE Industry of the future with the theme: The challenges of 3D scanning, Practical cases. You will discover some practical cases of 3D scanning applied to reverse design and dimensional control needs. Do you already know Creaform solutions? Do not hesitate…
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Default - July 18, 2023
PAK DAY on September 19, 2023 in Paris
The Müller-BBM VAS France team is pleased to organize the 2023 French edition of PAK DAY: a day of interactive exchanges around themes selected for players in the field of vibroacoustics, but also for everything measurement data streams. 📅 Tuesday, September 19 📍 PARIS 10 | REPUBLIC 👉 All…
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ADLINK, a leading edge computing company, has just introduced a new series of data acquisition cards in PCI Express format. These cards are distributed by ACQUISYS, the Modular Instrumentation specialist. PCIe-91xx series cards combine high acquisition speed with high resolution and high density. Series…
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Default - June 12, 2023
Polytec partners with industrial lighting manufacturer DCM
A new partnership to enrich the range of lighting offered in France A leader in electro-optical metrology since 1967, Polytec has become an essential international group in optical measurement systems, analytical processes and photonics – vision solutions. Present throughout the world through its subsidiaries and representatives, 438 employees participate in…
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Default - June 2, 2023
TH-Industrie starts the TH-Tour!
1st edition of TH-Industrie TH-Industrie is starting the TH-Tour! The goal is to come and meet you and introduce you to their company and their products. Tours on Thursday June 15, 2023 This event will take place at the Château des Tours, 246, avenue de…
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Register for the technical day on June 15, 2023 in Toulouse organized by Creaform in collaboration with CRITT from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. with the theme: The challenges of 3D digitization: Practical casesYou will discover some practical cases of 3D digitization applied to the needs of reverse engineering and dimensional control. Link for free registrations: THE CHALLENGES OF 3D SCANNING:…
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Default - May 24, 2023
Invitation: Pressure, Shock & Calibration Meetings
Invitation PCB PIEZOTRONICS invites you to come and meet us on Tuesday June 6 in St Médard d'Eyrans, Wednesday June 7 in Balma, or Tuesday June 27 in Bourges within the framework of exchange workshops that we organize on the three themes : pressure, shock, calibration. On the menu Static and/or dynamic pressure measurements: the keys to…
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