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Meeting between the members of the Measurements Network and those of WADA

The 11/12/2018 from 09:00 to 16:30

Measurement Network - AMA Day


Boost your French / German export / import Business!

We are delighted to invite you to the first day of inter-company meeting organized jointly by the Measurement Network and WADA.

The objective of this day is to give you the assets to be able to succeed in your development with Germany.

Export to Germany and / or find German products to distribute in France.


Tuesday 11 December 2018

CCI Alsace Eurometropolis

10 Gutenberg Square

67081 Strasbourg

Program :

9:15 am: Welcome

9.45 a.m .: Presentation of WADA and the Measurement Network

10:00 am: Presentation of development opportunities in Germany / France

11:00 am: Social skills and useful cultural information to guarantee an approach
efficient business

11:40 am: Presentation of the Sensor & Test and Measurement World exhibitions

12h00 / 13h30: Lunch

1.30pm / 3.30pm:        Individual inter-member meetings

3:30 p.m .: Coffee break / satisfaction questionnaires

3.45 p.m. / 4.30 p.m .: Conclusion of discussions and joint development actions

In order to best prepare for this meeting and register, we suggest you complete the questionnaire

The meeting will be presented in English.

Development in Germany is a real opportunity, we encourage you to register for this process even if you speak neither English nor German (translation solutions may be offered to you).

The price for this day is 125 € HT per person (lunch included); registration for this meeting is subject to a regulation before November 26, 2018.

We remain at your disposal for any further information, hoping to have you with us on December 11th.

Do not wait any longer
join us

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