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Employers, employees, how to deal with situations of harassment in a company?

The 17/11/2020 from 14:00 to 15:30

Webinar 1: November 17 - 2 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.

The contours of harassment:

  • Definitions: what do we mean by moral harassment, sexual harassment, sexist acts, sexual assault, sexual exhibition, sexist contempt?
  • Perpetrators and Victims of Harassment
  • Some statistical data
  • Jurisprudential illustrations

Prevention of the risk of harassment:

  • The employer's obligations in terms of risk assessment and prevention
  • Employees' obligations in terms of safety
  • Internal harassment prevention tools
  • Prevention actors: Managers, CSE, Referents, Occupational doctor and occupational health service, Labor inspectorate, etc.

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