CIFL training - Email marketing / social networks
The 23/05/2019
CIFL training
Email marketing / social media
May 23 and 24, 2019 - PARIS
Training aims:
Understand and master the challenges of e-mail marketing. Control the operational implementation of campaigns. Know how to evaluate the effectiveness of campaigns. Integrate e-mail marketing into the overall marketing policy. Ensure deliverability and manage mobile constraints.
Place of training : CIFL offices - 2nd floor of the Tour des Associations - 28, rue Saint Dominique - 75007 Paris
(Metro / RER C / Parking: Invalides)
This training is offered as part of the cross agreement between the Measurement Network and the CIFL.
Cost of the training: 650 € HT / pers
- Recent developments in email marketing
- The email in acquisition
- The problem of source files
- The legal and ethical framework
- Email for loyalty and commercial activation
- Managing subscriptions and unsubscriptions
- Editorial techniques
- The implementation and deliverability of campaigns
- Measurement and analysis of results
- Best practices for email marketing
- Social networks, why, how ...