CIFL training - Selling and negotiating in the Laboratory
CIFL training
Sell and trade in the Laboratory
April 2 and 3, 2020 - PARIS
Educational objective: To confer the ability to lead the different stages of a sales interview and negotiation in the world of the Laboratory.
Training location: CIFL offices - 2nd floor of the Tour des Associations - 28, rue Saint Dominique - 75007 Paris
(Metro / RER C / Parking: Invalides)
Duration: 2 days
This training is offered as part of the cross agreement between the Measurement Network and the CIFL.
Cost of the training: 650 € HT / pers
- Structure your face to face client in the laboratory world
- Adopt a relevant sales posture
- Prepare for your interview and set goals
- Observe the customer environment within the laboratory
- Set the rules of the game at the start of the interview
- Discover the laboratory's needs
- Present your solution in a powerful way
- Promote your offer
- Manage all resistance
- Conclude your interviews