CSR: Objectives, actors and modalities
03/22/2024 from 11:00 to 12:00
Clients, principals, consumers, investors, candidates and employees…
Environmental and social claims can make a difference, but be careful not to stumble, because European and French regulations are increasingly restrictive.
The Measurement Network offers you an overview of the news CSR regulations.
▶️Better understand the issues and methods of CSR
Are you concerned? If yes to what extent and what actions should be taken?
- CSR, Sustainability, CSRD, labels, what are we talking about? Are you affected? State of the art and schedule of regulations.
- Why get involved? To go there or not, this is the strategic question for SMEs at the start of the 2024 school year. Focus on a value chain and the benefits of a CSR strategy.
- Understand and plan. Commerce, HR, General Management, Financial Management… Focus on the impacts, risks and
opportunities of one of the themes of a company's sustainability from the CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive).
CSR – Video workshop
- For what ?
- For who ?
- How? 'Or' What ?
Friday March 22, 2024
11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Workshop led by Mountains Group :
Consulting firm in CSR and Communication strategy for 20 years. Support program for SMEs, VSEs and contractors on sustainability reporting and its communication.