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LinkedIn training: PROSPECTING is learning to master your e-reputation and be active and know the functionalities of Linkedin.

Prospecting on LinkedIn may seem, at first glance, easier than canvassing over the phone ...

But behind this "simplistic" appearance hides all the subtleties of "first human contact", which is no easier on LinkedIn than elsewhere ...

        • Master your e-reputation and be active
        • Use advanced search, Boolean operators and filters
        • Discover other prospecting techniques
        • Better understand and master social selling

The training will be provided by G. Mancel, partner of the Measurement Network and LinkedIn specialist.

Réseau Mesure is a Qualiopi certified training center allowing support from your OPCO.

Number of trainees per session:  minimum 4 pers. / max 5 people

Ratings 2022: 12 trainees - moyenne basée sur l'atteinte des objectifs, la pédagogie et l'organisation:     19/20
2023 ratings: 8 interns - moyenne basée sur l'atteinte des objectifs, la pédagogie et l'organisation:    18.90/20  
Evaluations 2024: 3 stagiaires - moyenne basée sur l'atteinte des objectifs, la pédagogie et l'organisation:    9,80/10 -  atteinte des objectifs:   10/10 

Next session : consultez le planning. Nous programmons les dates en fonction de vos demandes, alors n'hésitez pas à Contact us

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