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Do you want to increase your visibility at trade shows at optimized costs?

The Measurement Network offers 4 solutions:

  • Shared participation in a space dedicated to members of the Measurement Network.
  • Participation with an institutional partner.
  • Preferential rates for Network members.
  • Participation in the only exhibition on the national territory dedicated to measurement solutions, sensors and calibration systems: EXPO Solutions Measures

"The shared participation in the Pollutec trade fair allows me to benefit from preferential rates and a increased visibility by a specific location amplified by the number of exhibiting adherents."

Thierry Nodin- Katronic



In partnership with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Seine et Marne, we invite you to participate in the following trade fairs in 2024:

Enjoy the advantages of the Île de France collective

Strategic placement - Equipped stand - management of the organization of your show - Enhanced visibility 


E-mail : David CHANCA
Phone. : 01 74 60 51 69

A preferential tariff on administrative costs has been granted for members of the Measurement Network, 

consider using the specific Measurement Network bulletins below:

salon avec le rm

HYVOLUTION - January 30-31 and February 1, 2024 - Porte de Versailles 

The hydrogen event for energy, industry and mobility.

Benefit from preferential rates reserved for members of the Measurement Network.

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BIO360 - January 24-25, 2024 - Nantes

Bio360 Expo and the Biotransition: Paving the way to a sustainable future

Bio360 Expo is not just a trade show; it is a platform for innovation, connection and transformation. With a focus on renewable carbon, bioenergy and the bioeconomy, our event is where potential turns into progress. Explore cutting-edge technologies, discover new horizons and immerse yourself in the world of renewable solutions that are revolutionizing industries and reshaping our world. Don't miss your chance to be part of the sustainable future - jump on board today.

Benefit from preferential rates reserved for members of the Measurement Network - 10% discount on the stand price.

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World Impact Summit-  March 7 and 8, 2024 - Bordeaux

International Positive Impact Solutions Summit -  An event that brings together in a summit institutional, political and economic, the main French and international players in the ecological transition.

Since 2018, the World Impact Summit (WIS) has been an event that brings together the main French and international players in the ecological transition in an institutional, political and economic summit.

During the last edition which took place at the end of 2022, more than 8,000 participants and 150 exhibitors met for this solutions meeting.

The ambitions of the 2024 edition which will be held on March 7 and 8 in Bordeaux are reinforced: 300 exhibitors will be present, 300 speakers will speak during these two days, the objective of which is to bring together more than 10,000 participants. WIS 2024 will welcome, beyond its 10,000 visitors, more than 100 journalists.

With Jane Goodall as godmother, this edition will also be placed under the sign of promoting the commitment of women in the ecological transition.

Benefit from early booking rates reserved for Réseau Mesure members until 01/31/2024.


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FIC -International Cybersecurity Forum - March 26/28, 2024 - Lille  Grand Palais - Ile de France Pavilion


The benchmark event in Europe in terms of cybersecurity and digital trust.

Benefit from preferential rates reserved for members of the Measurement Network.

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GLOBAL INDUSTRY - March 25/28, 2024 - Paris Nord Villepinte - 

The leading industrial show in France: dedicated to professionals in production technologies, equipment solutions, components, products and services.

Benefit from preferential rates reserved for members of the Measurement Network.

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INDUSTRIAL ANALYSIS - April 3 and 4, 2024 -Paris Champerret 

The industrial analysis solutions exhibition - Paris gate Champerret.

Benefit from preferential rates reserved for members of the Measurement Network.

Manufacturers of analyzers, industrial detectors in the fields of gas, oil, fluids and air and other suppliers of process instruments will be present.

Between the exhibition, the technical conferences and the workshops, this new edition of the Industrial Analysis fair will not fail to be the theater of commercial exchanges and presentation of the latest innovations, for the actors of the sector (manufacturers, manufacturers and distributors, integrators, service providers, etc.)

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France Bioproduction Congress 8th edition co-organized with Medicen - April 3 and 4, 2024 - at the Palais des Congrès de Paris-Saclay in Massy

The 8th edition of the France Bioproduction Congress will take place on April 3 & 4, 2024 at the Palais des Congrès de Paris-Saclay in Massy,

Polepharma and Medicen Paris Région decided in 2020 to join forces to co-organize the 5th Edition of the France Bioproduction Congress in order to bring together and unite all the players serving the sector.

In 2023, this 7th edition brought together 550 players in the pharma and biopharma sector. This year, decision-makers and players in pharmaceutical bioproduction from France and Europe will meet again for two days of conferences, round tables, practical workshops, and networking time between participants, exhibitors and support players in the ecosystem.

In 2024, register to meet and discuss face-to-face with more than 500 public and private players in the French bioproduction sector in order to discuss future issues and needs together

4 highlights:

– A session of pitch of 5 startups selected by the programming committee

for the winners: 2 Full passes offered + 1 year of mentoring by large Pharma groups.

– A PREMIUM conference to close the 1st day

– A gala dinner to continue networking

– Increased networking time to develop your network

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In-Cosmetics Global - Paris Expo – Porte de Versailles – April 16 to 18, 2024

in cosmetics global will return to Paris in 2024. Organized each year in the spring in a major European city, it is traditionally the Parisian stage which is the flagship edition of this show which brings together suppliers of raw materials, ingredients and of the most important services (research laboratories, tests, encapsulation, etc.). During the 2022 edition, the Cosmetic Valley – France pavilion brought together 114 French exhibitors on a surface area of more than
1,300 m². This time, it is with an option on more than 1,5850 m² of very well located exhibition space that we will welcome French companies.

Regardless of the registration deadline set for October 18, 2023 (during the Cosmetic 360 trade show), we advise you to return your registration form as soon as possible. This will not affect your payment schedule for your participation costs and will allow you to secure a space as soon as possible.

Benefit from preferential rates reserved for members of the Measurement Network.

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China Beauty Expo - Shanghai New international Expo Center - from 22 to 24, 2024

CBE welcomes the entire sector: Cosmetic products: body care, perfumes, makeup, toiletries, products and accessories.
Professional products: professional care, beauty and spa products and accessories.
Subcontracting: white labels / OEM, ingredients, packaging, design, machines.

The COSMETIC VALLEY FRANCE pavilion is located at the entrance to hall E2, the international pavilion hall, next to prestigious brands and clients. Exhibitors benefit from a prime location and communication actions promoting their presence at the show.

Benefit from preferential rates reserved for members of the Measurement Network.

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Polepharma Biotesting Day - June 5 and 6, 2024 

The POLEPHARMA Biotesting Days aim to bring together more than 180 decision-makers and stakeholders from academic and clinical research, startups, biotechs and pharmaceutical industries to discuss the challenges of Biotesting and identify industrial needs around advanced analytical strategies to accelerate the development and market introduction of biotherapeutics.

The two days are punctuated by conferences, round tables, workshops and time slots dedicated to networking.

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Connect In Pharma - June 5 and 6, 2024 - Palexpo Geneva

Connect in Pharma is the cost-effective market tool that aims to reach the epicenter of the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industry. An annual event that will transform the paradigm of global pharmaceutical collaboration by developing a new life sciences ecosystem that supports pioneers in the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industry.

Dedicated to the downstream molecule and biotechnology value chain, Connect in Pharma will drive innovation, business and new partnerships in four key areas:

Innovative packaging, drug delivery systems, CMO/CDMO and filling and assembly processes

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EUROSTORY - June 17-21, 2024 - Paris north Villepinte - Ile de France pavilion 

International Land and Airland Defense Exhibition / Internal Security / Civil Security

Benefit from preferential rates reserved for members of the Measurement Network.

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Mesures Solutions Expo

Measures Solutions EXPO2024 - October 16 and 17, 2024 - Lyon 

The new edition of the show Measures Solutions EXPO2024 will be held at the Cité des Congrès in Lyon on October 16 and 17, 2024.

Being closer to customers is the motto of the MSE show. By offering a general offer meeting multiple potential needs, the exhibitors wished to bring together measurement professionals in the same place in order to offer them complete solutions. Visitors can thus access a diversified offer, whatever their expectations, techniques and processes used.

This event is organized in partnership with the French College of Metrology (CFM) and several training, recruitment and communication partners. It will present the exhaustiveness of the Measurement offer, from the world of research to that of production, from current solutions to future prospects.


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SIANE  - du 15 au 17 octobre - Toulouse 

Pour cette nouvelle édition, le plus grand salon industriel du Grand Sud mettra un coup de projecteur sur les leviers d’une nouvelle croissance industrielle qui combinent valorisation du travail humain, attractivité des filières, modernisation de l’outil de production, performance de l’entreprise et transition énergétique. A noter, la présence de nombreux donneurs d'ordres venant de l'ensemble des différentes filières industrielles.


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Beautyworld Middle East Dubai - October 28 to 30, 2024 - Dubai

Beautyworld Middle East is the leading exhibition for cosmetics, health and beauty products, perfumes and spa facilities in the Middle East. The fair was originally transformed from Golf Beauty, which was purchased in 2002 by the Frankfurt Messe and was equipped with a new name, a new concept and a new program. Now this show is part of a very successful series of exhibitions at fairs in Frankfurt and Japan. With its strong international orientation, the fair has contributed significantly to the development of the beauty and wellness industry in this region.

It is the communications and information platform in the Middle East, which takes place once a year in Dubai and offers exhibiting companies the opportunity to present here to a high public profile. Due to its large portfolio of products and services visitors including salon owners, retailers, physiotherapists and industry newcomers are able to get a comprehensive overview of the latest offerings and latest innovations from exhibitors . Additionally information on the latest developments and market trends and on services from the cosmetic, wellness and beauty industry are offered, too.

The trade fair circular presenting the offer to exhibit under the France Cosmetic Valley banner within the France Pavilion should be able to be distributed very soon during the month of February...

COMING SOON Benefit from preferential rates reserved for Réseau Mesure members.

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Congrès Polepharma Industrie du Futur  - les 13 et 14  novembre 2024 - Chartres

 Polepharma organise à l'Illiade de Chartres la 7e édition du Congrès Industrie du Futur sous la présidence de Haïfa Rabai, Digital Booster Leader chez SANOFI.

Les retours d'expérience sur les conditions de la réussite de la transformation digitale et de l'intégration des nouvelles technologies ou procédés dans l'industrie pharmaceutique seront mis à l'honneur.  Directeurs de site, Responsables Excellence Opérationnelle, Chefs de Projets, Responsable Programmes Digitaux, acteurs de la Qualité, Pharmaciens : ils seront plus de 200 acteurs et décideurs de la filière à se réunir autour des innovations industrielles.

IBS - November 13 and 14, 2024 - Paris Porte de Versailles - Pavilion 2.2

The show for the performance of tertiary, industrial and collective buildings

Energy transition and digital innovation, a crucial issue for buildings and the City!

While the IPCC summary report of March 2023 once again sounds the alarm with its alarming conclusions on the climate, it is more than urgent to act so that tertiary, industrial or collective housing buildings gain massively in energy efficiency while reducing their carbon footprint in order to limit the rise in temperature to 1.5°C by 2050. The connected regulation and automation market is today, more than ever, at heart of the global climate issue, with buildings remaining a major contributor to GHGs. In this context, IBS is clearly positioned as the privileged moment for discoveries, meetings and exchanges for a connected, sober, comfortable and sustainable building.
IBS 2023 will be at the crossroads of innovative and resilient technologies capable of meeting the challenge of regulation, sobriety and sustainable comfort of the buildings of the future which is already being written in the present knowing that 90% of the buildings of tomorrow surround us today.
From BOS to AI, from BIM GEM to the digital twin, all these NICTs which are becoming essential for analyzing data to better manage vital building systems and interpret weak signals in order to anticipate breakdowns, could not function properly without reliable IoT and proven communications protocols.
It is therefore on the counting and collection of data that the entire chain of analysis and action allowing efficient regulation depends. French and European regulations (RE2020, BACS, Tertiary Decree, Fit to 55, etc.) make it possible to accelerate this essential process.
Furthermore, taking into account a broader carbon footprint encompassing digital regulation and information systems must be able to result in more sober, more resilient technologies, some of which, already proven, can be maintained, that's all. the issue of reuse.
The potential for energy savings and raw material resources is therefore immense and technological solutions are available, all of which will await visitors at this new edition of IBS.
Then the Smart Building could be written: “Sustainable & Smart Building“
Of course the 13th edition of the IBS show will be accompanied by the 9th edition of the Smart City + Smart Grid show, without forgetting the 2nd edition of the E-Mobilités Lab for decarbonized mobility building convergence.

Come in large numbers to exhibit or visit our major events in line with the environmental challenges of the beginning of the 21st century.

This brochure explains how.

Guillaume Courcelle, Director of the show

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HYVOLUTION - 28-29 et 30 Janvier 2025 - Porte de Versailles 

The hydrogen event for energy, industry and mobility.

Benefit from preferential rates reserved for members of the Measurement Network.

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GLOBAL INDUSTRY - du 11 au 14 mars 2025 - Eurexpo Lyon - 

The leading industrial show in France: dedicated to professionals in production technologies, equipment solutions, components, products and services.

Bénéficiez des tarifs préférentiels réservés aux adhérents du Réseau Mesure en passant par la CCI Seine et Marne.

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